Week 3 Remodel
For the work crew, week three saw more walls come down and some re-routing of plumbing pipes… plus a whole lot I am quite sure I know nothing about. They are hard workers, and things progress every day. Plus, more work got done on the outdoor kitchen. We are still not able to use it however so garage life carries on. I had a friend from high school come for a visit for a couple of days. He stayed in the Airstream and we cooked up a couple of really great Garage meals. Doing what we love can’t be stopped even without a real kitchen.
I also got to go hunting for a piece of soapstone for our counter tops. It is easy to get a little paralyzed by some of these choices. Like… this is shit we will be living with for a long ass time! So, I have made it my mission to not get to hung up. Time is of the essence and the longer I dilly dally on making choices that really could get changed out over time if we decided to, well the longer this whole process will take. Walking into the warehouse in Denver that sells all varieties of stone was pretty dang exciting to be honest. I mean, slabs of marble, granite, soapstone up the wazoo! For the longest time I have imagined marble counter tops for our kitchen. But the truth is, marble feels a little precious. And what I know and love about our home is that nothing in it is precious. Nothing, of course, except the time we get to breath into it and make it more and more a haven for how we live.
Also on the list of things to choose this week was the tile for the guest bath. I have been drooling over this turquoise tile from Cle. With the supply chain being what it is these days, I have had to make due with choice number 2 or 3. Actually, I could look at it like that, or just know that we are super lucky to be doing this at all and the choices that I have made are going to be perfect! So, instead of one inch turquoise tiles made from clay, I was able to find 8 sq inch turquoise tiles made out of cement, at less than half the cost of the little tiles. And… they will ship in the next 2 weeks. Flexibility has been pretty key in this process. And truth be told, once I open my mind to other options things just fall easily into place. A good life lesson to be sure.
Picking out a slab of Soapstone to be used in kitchen. This is the chosen one.
The before of our large flagstone fireplace. It had over 50 years. Of living on it, so we had it Sandblasted.
The after. Much better.
Smoky view from the garden as fires rage all over the west,
Found this gem at a place in Denver called Rare Finds Warehouse. It’s 2 pieces/ Mirror and vanity. We will have Mitch cut the top out and fit a sink into it for the guest bathroom.
Currently washing dishes this way. Bus tub #1 for washing, #2 for sanitizing.
Motley crew of some of the best people….plus Waylon. At the end of every day there is always time for beer drinking and shooting the shit.