Dearest Michael. It has been a little over a week since you passed.
On that day, with your head facing the sun and the ever present sweetness and trust in your eyes, you let me let you go. You took one last breath and drifted softly into the air around us.
From there Erik wrapped you in your blanket and carried you to this spot, on our land/ your land. A place we will always see you and forever be able to visit.
On this cold and icy morning as I visited with you, with P Lo, who loved you so... I just want to tell you a few things I have learned with your passing.
People REALLY loved you. And more importantly, people really love their animals. The heart felt and sometimes heart breaking messages that people sent me/ HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE/ have filled me and helped to carry me through each day. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR THAT!
It is clear to me that we love our animals almost more... maybe for sure more, than we love one another. And that seems ok to me.
I figure that’s because just like you, people’s dogs must have looked at them with the same eyes filled with love with which you always looked at me. Like... you never got mad at me! You were always SO excited to see me when I came home. And the moment I put my sneakers on you were always right there, at my heals, waiting to go for a walk.
I am so grateful to you for loving me. I miss you every day. Your brothers miss you too. Those 2 dorks were straight up DEPRESSED for 3 days.... laying around/ looking out the doors/ waiting for you to coming running back through. Waiting for you to ask Dad for beer/ not knowing when to eat because you were always the one that pressed that issue.
Thank you Michael. I will LOVE YOU FOREVER DOOZER!